Spyro Help

Spyro has two input modes: Simple and Full. It also has the ability to animate drawing the picture, or display it immediately.

Simple Input Mode

This mode works like a mechanical Spyrograph:

Full Input Mode

This mode is more mathematical than mechanical. You can combine spyros with Full and Simple input modes in the same drawing.

Saved Spyros

If you have saved a spyro in your cookies, you can draw it again by clicking on its name on the list to populate the text area, then clicking "Draw".

You can delete a saved spyro using the "x" control next to its name.

If you have copied a spyro from elsewhere, paste it into the text area and click "Draw" to see it.

Change log

v1.0 2016-06-01Initial launch.


Saved Spyros

This site uses cookies to store spyros.